The COVID-19 vaccine is a real boon to humankind and a treasure any individual would love to possess. Don’t wait any longer to obtain this treasure. You can book your vaccine slots with these tricks right now and save yourself from life-threatening illnesses.
Covid 19 certificate has become a very important document. Domestic and international travelers must now carry them because of the regulations in various regions. Many insurance companies have either started considering COVID-19 vaccine certificates as a mandatory document or planning to do so.
Considering the importance of the COVID-19 Vaccine certificate, the Government of India has allowed people to update the personal details on the COVID-19 Vaccine certificate. Vaccinated people can now update their details such as Name, Birth Year, Gender from the Cowin portal. In the event that incorrect details are printed on the certificate of vaccination for COVID-19, this will provide a measure of relief. Along with that, users can now link their passports with vaccine certificate on CoWin Portal
A recent update by Aarogya Setu’s official Twitter handle announced the latest feature that allows you to link your passport with a vaccine certificate.
You can make below three types of changes on your COVID-19 vaccine certificates on CoWin Portal.
1. Link Your Passport with Vaccine Certificate
2. Update Personal Details On Vaccine Certificate – Name, Birth Year, and Gender
3. Merge Two Dose – 1 Certificates
If you’re willing to make any of the above changes in your COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate, please carefully follow the below steps.
- Login to your account on Cowin Portal.
- You will get an option for Raise an Issue under your account details. Please select that option and select the type of change you want to make.

- To update personal details like Name, Birth Year, or Gender select the member if you’ve registered multiple members from the same account, and after that select Correction In Certificate and choose fields you want to update and update it.

- To link the Passport Details with Your COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate, select the member, and enter the beneficiary’s passport number. While linking passport details with vaccine certificate, one thing that needs to be considered is that the name in the passport and vaccine certificate should be identical. If it is not the same, change the name in the vaccine certificate following the above steps.

- If you want to merge multiple dose 1 certificates, then now you can easily do that by raising the issue. Just need to fill up the details mentioned in the below image and raise an issue.

Please note that you can update these details on the vaccine certificate only one time. So, please use this option carefully.
This option is a newly launched option so you may face some issues initially. If you’re unable to access the selected option on the first try, please check it after some time.
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