We are happy to announce that DiGiTAL BiRYANi now provides a platform for guest bloggers to submit Guest Posts on our Technology Blog / Tech Blog domain. Over the internet, there is a huge number of tech enthusiasts who want to share their tech knowledge, but struggle to find a forum that delivers the desired exposure for their work. We are opening up our platform for such enthusiastic Bloggers to share their work.
Benefits of Writing a Guest Post
- You’ll open up the doors for your brand to welcome our esteemed readers.
- You and your brand will get maximum exposure from our audience.
- You may get 1 referral link unless it is not self-promotion or a link to paid services, from our platform. That’ll help you make a robust online presence.
- You can get referral traffic from digitalbiriyani.com

Blog Topics That We Accept
- How-To Tutorials
- Tech Tips and Tricks
- Best List (Tech)
- Technology
- Informative
- Social Media
- Internet
- Web Apps / Softwares
- Gaming
- Digital Marketing
Blog Topics That We Don’t Accept
- Gambling
- Adult Content
- Dating Content
- Personal Promotion
- Brand Promotion
- Reviews
- Affiliate Links
Contact Us if you want a sponsored post from us for advertisement purposes.
Guidelines to Submit Guest Post Request
- The blog article topic must be discussed and confirmed before submitting the Blog Post.
- The topic of the guest blog post should be in line with our core niche – The technology and Digital Productivity domain.
- Visit our blog and plan your blog topic accordingly.
- Submit the Guest Blog Post Topics with a list of keywords (at least 3 to 5) on the Contact Us page. If you have a website, don’t forget to mention your website’s link in the Guest Blog Post request.
- Our team will review your Blog Topic and acknowledge it accordingly.
Rules and Regulations For Submitting Guest Articles
Once the Blog Topic is confirmed from our end, please follow the below guidelines to submit the well-structured article.
- The Blog Article must contain 1200+ words.
- Check the existing blog articles on our website and prepare a blog post in the same format.
- Content should be plagiarism-free and unique.
- It should not have been posted anywhere else.
- The article should be SEO Optimized.
- It should not contain grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes.
- No self-promotion is allowed in the article. (Contact Us if you want a sponsored post from our end)
- The article should not contain any affiliate links or promotional links.
- Use appropriate images to make the article informative.
- FAQs section must contain at least 2 blog-related QnA.
- Ensure the text or image content of the article is not copyrighted and does not violate any terms. If caught, we will permanently ban such bloggers from DiGiTAL BiRYANi.
- At the end of the article, share the Author’s Description in approx 40-50 words. Along with that share your website’s link.
How to Submit Guest Post?
So, are you ready to publish your article to open up a great opportunity for you and your brand? Send us a detailed article that adds value to our readers’ lives. If you’ll add value to their life, they’ll also add value to you and your brand 🙂
- You need to submit the Blog Post as a Microsoft Word document file.
- Put your word file in the folder and rename that folder as YourName_GuestPost_DB. Put all the images used in the blog post in the same folder. Convert the folder into Zip format and share it with us.
- Please make sure all the content you share is not protected with a password.
- You only need to send the article in the above-mentioned format in reply to our Guest Blog Post Topic Confirmation / Acknowledgement email.
Special Note
- Once you submit the Guest Post, we’ll review it within 4 business days.
- After our review, we’ll proceed with posting the article.
- DiGiTAL BiRYANi holds the supreme right in publishing content on the platform.
- We may edit, change, or delete the article/part of the article for the best interest of the platform and our readers.
- We don’t pay for guest posts.
Our esteemed readers are very smart and intelligent. We respect the time they spend on our platform. Hence, we only publish content that adds value to their life. We also expect the same understanding from our Guest Bloggers. Guest Bloggers are urged to submit articles with the sole aim of adding value, not simply for link-building purposes.