In view of the fact that the Corona Virus has attacked humankind from every direction, vaccination seems to be the only hope. A full-fledged COVID 19 vaccination campaign is currently being run around the globe. A large number of individuals seek vaccination opportunities.

In India, The Government has started vaccination for a vast majority of people between the age of 18 years and 44 years. People need to register themselves at CoWin Portal as the first step of Vaccination Registration. Registration is very simple on the CoWin Portal, but the second step is fairly difficult to complete. After that, you need to choose vaccination slots for scheduling an appointment. Due to the rush of people, finding an empty slot for vaccination is very difficult.
Techies have come forward to help the people during this tough time. The portals they have created are really amazing and will blow your mind. All available slots will appear after entering your details. Some of the portals are so wonderful that they will directly send you the notification whenever the slots will be available.
CoWin Boat Chrome Extension
As you know Google Chrome Extensions are really great tools to solve your problems. There are many such Useful Chrome Extensions that you can use in your daily life. This chrome extension is a wonderful tool that can ease your marathon task of Vaccine Slot Finding. You just need to install the CoWin Boat Extension in your Google Chrome browser and follow the below-mentioned simple tasks.
- Install CoWin Boat Extension on your Chrome Browser.
- Go to CoWin Portal and login with OTP.
- Select beneficiaries and click on Schedule Now to move to the search page.
- Once on the search page, open this extension, fill the form and Submit.
This is a verified trick and shared with us by one of the esteemed readers of DiGiTAL BiRYANi. He has successfully booked Vaccine Slots of many people in his known circle using this trick. You too can try this trick and get your vaccination slot booked as soon as possible.
VaccinateMe – WhatsApp Notifier
VaccinateMe is a platform that helps you getting WhatsApp notification when slots are available in your nearby area. You just need to open the portal, select your district/pincode and search for slots. If no slots are available then you’ll get an option to enable slot availability WhatsApp notification. – Telegram Notifier
Berty Thomas has developed this amazing portal to keep everyone updated about the vaccination slot availability for the 18-44 age group. Only slot availability for people between the ages of 18 and 44 is shown, making it easier to find slots for people of this age group. People just need to visit the portal, provide the state and district details to find the slots in that area. This portal lets you join active Telegram channels for your region. These channels immediately notify you about slot availability as soon as the slots are available.
TIP: Users find this portal really useful. Within seconds of availability notification, slots get booked. So, our suggestion is that keep an eye on this portal. If you don’t get a chance to book a slot on the first go, analyze the slot opening pattern for a particular vaccination center for few days and start trying 5-10 minutes before the expected slot opening time. This will increase your chance of getting a slot booked for COVID-19 Vaccination.
Paytm has come up with an option to get notifications when slots are available in your selected Pincode/District. This is really useful functionality. You can use Paytm Slot Finder if you have Paytm on your mobile phone. This will save you from using other tools and get your work done from the app you have already been using.
Shyam Sundar (ISB alumnus) and his friends developed A user of this portal will be notified via email when vaccination slots become available in a nearby area. The website will send email alerts to users who have registered on the site and requested notification for their district. Soon they are launching SMS support as well.

You just need to open the website. Enter your name, email id, district, and mobile number on the form and click on the Get Notified button. You’ll receive an email whenever the vaccine slots will be available in your district. Developers have ensured that your data will not be sold/shared with anyone. Developers shared a notice saying that Gmail users will be delayed in receiving emails.
COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker For India
Amit Agarwal has developed this open-source vaccine tracker tool. It tracks vaccine slots availability around you and notifies you via email whenever slots are available. Follow these steps to make this tool work for you.
- Click here and ‘Make a Copy’ of it in your Google Drive.
- After that Select the Vaccine Tracker in the menu, and choose Enable.
- Finish the ‘Sign-In Process’.
- Select Go To Vaccine Alerts
- Fill in the different details like age, pin code, and then click on the ‘Create Email Alert’.
- The Google Sheet runs this monitor every day and sends an email at 8:00 am every day to inform about the availability of the slots.
This portal allows you to search COVID-19 vaccination slots availability based on PIN code or based on State/District. It uses the Co-Win open API, which always gives exact real-time data. As mentioned on the website – “This web app uses CoWin open API to make it easy for you to find slots. Availability changes in real-time. So book your slot ASAP using”
CoWin Watch
Techie from Ahmedabad, Jay Mehta, has developed this tiny wonderful utility. CoWin Watch is really useful to get notified about the availability of Vaccination Slots for 18+ people. It only needs your Pincode, based on the Pincode CoWin watch will provide details regarding vaccination slots availability. Linux and Mac users can easily install and use this tool to get real-time information about vaccination slots. All the steps are mentioned here. The Windows version might be out soon. Stay Connected!
We, at DiGiTAL BiRYANi, request everyone out there to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Please take all the precautions – Wear Mask, Maintain Social Distancing, Stay Home.