175 Useful Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts in 2024

Notepad++ is one of the most powerful and light source code and text editors with a variety of shortcuts. It is widely used by coders and developers. It provides a number of features and supports various file formats. Using Notepad++ over other text editors surely helps you to achieve more productivity and get your work done with more ease and in a lesser amount of time.

For Computer Users there is one widely known proverb – The less you use the Mouse, the more productive you will be. Therefore, to make sure your work is done without touching the mouse, you ought to know the shortcut keys provided by various platforms. Notepad++ as a text editor provides a variety of shortcuts keys that help users to work even faster and provide more ease. DiGiTAL BiRYANi has compiled a list of around 175 keyboard shortcut keys for Notepad++.

Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts List by DiGiTAL BiRYANi

File Section Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcut Keys

1Ctrl + NNew File
2Ctrl + OOpen File
3Ctrl + RReload From Disk
4Ctrl + SSave
5Ctrl + Alt + SSave As
6Ctrl + Shift + SSave All
7Ctrl + WClose Current Document
8Ctrl + Shift + WClose All
9Ctrl + PPrint
10Alt + F4Close Notepad++
11Ctrl + Shift + TRestore Recently Closed File
12Ctrl + PgUpNext Document
13Ctrl + PgDnPrevious Document
14Ctrl + TabNext Document (With the list of open files)
15Ctrl + Shift +TabPrevious Document (With the list of open files)

Edit Section Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts

16Ctrl + ASelect All
17Ctrl + C Copy
18Ctrl + INSCopy
19Ctrl + XCut
20Shift + DELCut
19Ctrl + VPaste
20Shift + INSPaste
22Ctrl + ZUndo
23Alt + BackspaceUndo
24Ctrl + YRedo
25Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
26Tab (Multiple lines can be selected)Add Tabulation or Space (Indent)
27Shift + Tab (Multiple lines can be selected)Remove Tabulation or Space (Outdent) 
28Ctrl + DDuplicate of Selected Content
29Ctrl + Num /Reset Zoom
30Ctrl + Num +Zoom In
31Ctrl + Num –Zoom Out
32Ctrl + TSwitch position of current line to the previous line
33Ctrl + Shift + DownMove down the current selection/line
34Ctrl + Shift + UpMove up current selection/line
35Ctrl + LDelete Current Line
36Ctrl + ISplit Line
37Ctrl + JJoin Line
38Ctrl + Alt + EnterAdd a new line above the current line
39Ctrl + Alt +Shift +EnterAdd a new line below the current line
40Ctrl + QSingle Line Comment
41Ctrl + Shift + QSingle Line Uncomment
42Ctrl + KToggle Single Line comment
43Ctrl + Shift + KBlock Comment
44Ctrl + BackspaceDelete to start of the word
45Ctrl + DeleteDelete to end of the word
46Ctrl + Shift + BackspaceDelete to start of the line
47Ctrl + Shift + DeleteDelete to end of the line
48Ctrl + Shift + UConvert to UPPERCASE
49Ctrl + UConvert to lowercase
50Alt + UProper Case
51Alt + Shift + UProper Case (blend)
52Ctrl + Alt + USentence Case
53Ctrl + Alt + Shift + USentence Case (blend)
54Ctrl + SpacebarFunction Completion
55Ctrl + EnterWord Completion
56Ctrl + Shift + SpaceFunction Parameters Hint
57Ctrl + Enter + SpacePath Completion
58Down ArrowMove the cursor to the line below
59Up ArrowMove the cursor to the line above
60Shift + DownSelect from current position till line end TO line start to the same position in the line below
61Shift + UpSelect from current position till line start TO line end to the same position in the line above
62Alt + Shift + DownColumn mode select towards down
63Alt + Shift + UpColumn mode select towards up
64Ctrl + DownScroll Down
65Ctrl + UpScroll Up
66Ctrl + ]Move cursor to starting of below paragraph
67Ctrl + [Move cursor to starting of above paragraph
68Ctrl + Shift + ]Select from current position to starting of below paragraph
69Ctrl + Shift + [Select from current position to starting of above paragraph
70LeftMove cursor to one position left
71Shift + LeftMove cursor to one position left with selection
72Alt + Shift + LeftColumn mode selection towards left to up
73Ctrl + LeftMove cursor to starting position of the word
74Ctrl + Shift + LeftSelect from the current position to starting of the word
75RightMove cursor to one position right
76Shift + RightMove cursor to one position right with selection
77Alt + Shift + RightColumn mode selection towards right to down
78Ctrl + RightMove cursor to ending position of the word
79Ctrl + Shift + RightSelect from the current position to end of the word
80Ctrl + /Move left one word part
81Ctrl + Shift + /Extend the selection left one word part
82Ctrl + \Move right one word part
83Ctrl + Shift + \Extend the selection right one word part
84Alt + HomeMove to the start of the current line
85Shift + HomeExtend the selection to the first visible character of the current line
86Alt + Shift + HomeExtend the rectangular selection to the first visible character in the current  line
87HomeMove to the first character of the current line
88Alt + EndMove to end of the current line
89Shift + EndExtend the selection to the end of the current line
90Alt + Shift + EndExtend the rectangular selection to the end of the current line
91EndMove to end of the current line
92PageUpMove up one page
93Shift + PageUpExtend the selection up one page
94Alt + Shift + PageUpExtend the rectangular selection up one page
95PageDownMove down one page
96Shift + PageDownExtend the selection down one page
97Alt + Shift + PageDownExtend the rectangular selection down one page

Search Section Notepad++ Shortcuts

98Ctrl + FFind
99Ctrl + Shift + FFind in Files
100F3Find next
101Shift + F3Find Previous
102Ctrl + F3Select and find next
103Ctrl + Shift + F3Select and find previous
104Ctrl + Alt + F3Find (Volatile) next
105Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F3Find (Volatile) previous
106Ctrl + HReplace
107Ctrl + Alt + IIncremental Search
108F7Search Results Window
109Shift + F4Previous search results
110F4Next search result
111Ctrl + GGo To
112Ctrl + BGo to matching brace
113Ctrl + Alt + BSelect all matching braces
114Ctrl + MMark
115Alt + CColumn Editor
116Ctrl + F2Toggle Bookmark
117F2Next Bookmark
118Shift + F2Previous Bookmark

View Section Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts

119F11Toggle Full-Screen Mode
121Ctrl + Numpad 11st Tab
122Ctrl + Numpad 22nd Tab
123Ctrl + Numpad 33rd Tab
124Ctrl + Numpad 44th Tab
125Ctrl + Numpad 55th Tab
126Ctrl + Numpad 66th Tab
127Ctrl + Numpad 77th Tab
128Ctrl + Numpad 88th Tab
129Ctrl + Numpad 99th Tab
130Ctrl + Page DownNext Tab
131Ctrl + Page UpPrevious Tab
132Ctrl + Shift + Page DownMove Tab Forward
133Ctrl + Shift + Page UpMove Tab Backward
134Alt + HHide Lines
135F8Focus on another view
136Alt + 0Fold All
137Alt + Shift + 0Unfold All
138Ctrl + Alt + FCollapse CurrentLevel
139Ctrl + Alt + Shift + FUncollapse Current Level
140Alt + 1Collapse Level 1
141Alt + 2Collapse Level 2
142Alt + 3Collapse Level 3
143Alt + 4Collapse Level 4
144Alt + 5Collapse Level 5
145Alt + 6Collapse Level 6
146Alt + 7Collapse Level 7
147Alt + 8Collapse Level 8
148Alt + Shift + 1Uncollapse Level 1
149Alt + Shift + 2Uncollapse Level 2
150Alt + Shift + 3Uncollapse Level 3
151Alt + Shift + 4Uncollapse Level 4
152Alt + Shift + 5Uncollapse Level 5
153Alt + Shift + 6Uncollapse Level 6
154Alt + Shift + 7Uncollapse Level 7
155Alt + Shift + 8Uncollapse Level 8
156Ctrl + Alt + RText Direction RTL
157Ctrl + Alt + LText Direction LTR

Run, Macro, and Plugin Section Notepad++ Shortcut Keys

158F5Run Box
159Ctrl + Alt + Shift + XLaunch in Firefox
160Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ILaunch in Internet Explorer
161Ctrl + Alt + Shift + RLaunch in Chrome
162Ctrl + Alt + Shift + FLaunch in Safari
163Alt + F1Get php help
164Alt + F2Google Search
165Alt + F3Wikipedia Search
166Alt + F5Open File
167Alt + F6Open in another instance
168Ctrl + Alt + Shift + OSend via Outlook
169Ctrl + Shift + PPlayback
170Alt + Shift + STrim Trailing and Save
171Alt + ASpell Check Document Automatically
172Alt + NFind Next Misspelling
173Alt + BFind Previous Misspelling
174Alt + DChange Current Language
175F1About Notepad++

You can also create Notepad++ Custom Keyboard Shortcuts. We’ve shared an Informative Guide – Notepad++ Custom Keyboard Shortcuts. This will help you create or modify shortcut keys in Notepad++.

Also ReadHow To Stop Websites From Tracking Your Location?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Notepad++?

Notepad++ is a text and source code editor to use with Microsoft Windows.

How can I install Notepad++?

You can download and install Notepad++ from its official website. It is free of cost.

Is it mandatory to know all these shortcuts to use Notepad++?

No. It is not mandatory to know all these shortcuts to use Notepad++. However, it is always a good idea to learn these shortcuts to use Notepad++ more productively and efficiently.

Also ReadYouTube Keyboard Shortcuts for Productive YouTube Experience


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Yash Patel

Yash is the Digital Chef of this delicious DiGiTAL BiRYANi. His passion lies in technology and food. He is an Internet and Social Media enthusiast. He is a very active and productive internet user. He believes that Your Social Media Presence is as much important as Your Social Presence.