How To Find Someone’s Phone Number From Facebook?

In a world where connections are at our fingertips, Facebook has emerged as one of the most potent tools for staying in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. With its vast user base, this social media platform has made it easier than ever to reconnect with old acquaintances and forge new connections. However, there are moments when you might need to find someone’s phone number for legitimate reasons, like reaching out for personal or professional purposes. While Facebook doesn’t publicly display phone numbers, there are methods and techniques you can employ to uncover this valuable information. 

In this blog, we will dive into the intricacies of finding someone’s phone number from Facebook, exploring both ethical and responsible approaches. Whether you’re searching for a long-lost friend or a business contact, join us as we unveil the secrets to unlocking this valuable information from the world’s largest social network.

Benefits of finding phone numbers on Facebook

  • Stay connected with friends and family: Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but sometimes you might need to contact them outside of the platform. For example, you might need to call them to coordinate plans for a get-together, or you might need to check in on them if you’re worried about them. Being able to find someone’s phone number on Facebook can make it easy to contact them when you need to.
  • Network with business professionals: Facebook is also a great platform for networking with business professionals. If you’re looking to connect with potential clients or partners, you can use Facebook to search for them and find their phone numbers. This can make it easy to reach out to them and start building a relationship.
  • Verify someone’s identity: If you’re meeting someone new online, it’s important to verify their identity before you meet them in person. One way to do this is to find their phone number on Facebook and call them to make sure they are who they say they are.
  • Track down lost or stolen property: If you’ve lost or had your property stolen, you can use Facebook to search for it. If someone has found your property and posted about it on Facebook, you can use their phone number to contact them and arrange to get it back.

How does Facebook Show Phone Number To Users?

Facebook shows phone numbers to users in a few different ways:

  • On your profile: If you choose to share your phone number on your profile, it will be visible to anyone who can see your profile information. To control who can see your phone number on your profile, go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy > Who can see your contact information? and select the desired audience.
  • In search results: If someone searches for your phone number on Facebook, your profile may show up in the results, depending on your privacy settings. To control who can look you up on Facebook using your phone number, go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy > How people can find and contact you and select the desired audience.
  • In Messenger: If you have your phone number linked to your Messenger account, people can see it when they send you messages. To control who can see your phone number in Messenger, go to Messenger > Settings > People > Who can see your phone number? and select the desired audience.

It is important to note that Facebook also uses phone numbers for security purposes, such as two-factor authentication and account recovery. If you choose not to share your phone number on your profile or in search results, you will still be able to use it for these purposes.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about how Facebook shows phone numbers to users:

  • If you have added your phone number to multiple places on Facebook, such as your profile, Messenger, and Marketplace, people who can see your phone number in one place may also be able to see it in other places.
  • If you have shared your phone number with a friend or group of friends, they will be able to see it, even if you have set your phone number privacy setting to “Only Me.”
  • If you have added your phone number to a Facebook Group that is open to the public, anyone who can see the group will be able to see your phone number.
  • If you have added your phone number to a Facebook Event that is open to the public, anyone who can see the event will be able to see your phone number.

If you have any concerns about how Facebook shows your phone number to users, you can review your privacy settings or contact Facebook support for assistance. You can check the terms and conditions of Facebook platform on their website.

Can You Find Someone’s Phone Number On Facebook?

Yes, you can find phone numbers on Facebook, but it depends on the user’s privacy settings. If a user has chosen to share their phone number on their profile, it will be visible to anyone who can see their profile information. Additionally, if you are friends with someone on Facebook, you can see their phone number in Messenger.

However, it is important to note that not all users choose to share their phone numbers on Facebook. Additionally, some users may choose to share their phone numbers only with friends or family. If you are unable to find someone’s phone number on Facebook, it is possible that they have chosen not to share it or that you are not friends with them on Facebook.

How To Find Someone’s Phone Number From Facebook Profile?

This section will help you with a detailed guide to find someone’s phone number from Facebook profile.

  • Open Facebook on your web browser or mobile phone.
  • Log in to your Facebook account using the appropriate credentials.
  • Tap on the search bar on the top left corner of the screen and type the name of the Facebook user whose mobile number you are trying to find.
How To Find Someone’s Phone Number From Facebook Profile
  • Now, redirect to that person’s profile and click on the About section.
  • Tap on the Contact and Basic Info options from the left pane.
  • You’ll find that person’s phone number in the Contact Info section.
How To Find Someone’s Phone Number From Facebook Profile

Please note that you’ll only find the phone number in the Contact info section if the person has added their phone number to their profile with the appropriate privacy settings that allow you to see their phone number.

How to Find Someone’s Phone number On Facebook using their Location or Email?

Are you looking for someone’s phone number and you only know that person’s location (or email) and name? Don’t worry, you can easily find someone’s phone number on Facebook using their location (or email). You need to find that person using his location and name on Facebook. If you find that person’s profile, you can find his Phone Number on Facebook.

If you’re unable to find his Phone Number on his Facebook profile, you can send a Friend Request to him. If the other person approves your Friend Request, chances of finding their phone number increase a lot, since many people keep their phone numbers visible to only friends.

How To Find Someone’s Phone Number On Facebook Using Third-Party Platforms?

There are a number of third-party platforms that can be used to find someone’s phone number on Facebook. However, it is important to note that these platforms are not affiliated with Facebook and they may not always be accurate or reliable.

Here are some of the most popular third-party platforms for finding phone numbers on Facebook:


BeenVerified is a people search platform that allows you to search for people by name, phone number, address, and other criteria

BeenVerified is a people search platform that allows you to search for people by name, phone number, address, and other criteria. To find someone’s phone number on Facebook using BeenVerified, simply create an account and input the individual’s name into the search bar. BeenVerified will then generate a report that includes the person’s contact information, including their phone number, if it is publicly available.


PeopleLooker is another people search platform that allows you to search for people by name, phone number, address, and other criteria.

PeopleLooker is another people search platform that enables people to lookup for people by name, phone number, address, and other criteria. To find someone’s phone number on Facebook using PeopleLooker, simply create an account and enter the person’s name in the search bar. PeopleLooker will then generate a report that encompasses the individual’s contact information, including their phone number, if it is publicly accessible.


Spokeo is a people search platform that offers the capability to search for individuals based on various criteria such as name, phone number, address, and more. To find someone’s phone number on Facebook using Spokeo, simply create an account and type the person’s name in the search bar. Spokeo will produce a report that comprises the person’s contact information, including their phone number, if it is publicly available.

What are the Legal and Ethical Considerations while Finding Someone’s Phone Number From Facebook?

There are a few legal and ethical considerations to keep in mind when finding someone’s phone number from Facebook.

Legal considerations
  • Privacy laws: It is generally illegal to collect someone’s personal information without their consent. This includes their phone number. However, there are some exceptions to this law, such as if you are collecting the information for a legitimate business purpose or if the information is publicly available.
  • Anti-stalking laws: In some jurisdictions, it is illegal to stalk someone. Stalking can include repeatedly contacting someone without their consent, following them, or monitoring their activities. If you find someone’s phone number on Facebook and use it to contact them without their consent, you could be in violation of anti-stalking laws.
Ethical considerations
  • Respect for privacy: Even if it is legal to find someone’s phone number on Facebook, it is important to respect their privacy. Only use their phone number if you have a legitimate reason to do so, such as if you are trying to contact them for a business purpose or if you are friends with them on Facebook.
  • Potential harm: Finding someone’s phone number on Facebook could potentially harm them, especially if you use their phone number to harass or stalk them. Be careful about using someone’s phone number without their consent.

Here are some tips for finding someone’s phone number from Facebook in a legal and ethical way:

  • Only search for phone numbers of people you know: It is generally best to only search for phone numbers of people you know and trust. If you are searching for the phone number of someone you don’t know, you could be putting them at risk of harassment or stalking.
  • Be respectful of people’s privacy: If someone’s phone number is not publicly listed on Facebook, don’t message them or their friends asking for it. This is a violation of their privacy.
  • Use a trusted phone number lookup service: If you’re unable to find someone’s phone number on Facebook, you can try using a trusted phone number lookup service. However, be careful about using these services, as some of them may charge you a fee or sell your information to third-party companies.

If you are unsure whether or not it is legal or ethical to find someone’s phone number on Facebook, it is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid doing so.

Yash Patel

Yash is the Digital Chef of this delicious DiGiTAL BiRYANi. His passion lies in technology and food. He is an Internet and Social Media enthusiast. He is a very active and productive internet user. He believes that Your Social Media Presence is as much important as Your Social Presence.

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