10 Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions To Boost Productivity

In today’s modern world, technology plays an integral role in our daily lives. We spend a significant amount of time online. This is especially true for individuals who work on computers all day long. However, with numerous distractions available, it’s easy to lose focus and productivity.

Productivity Booster Chrome Extensions can provide an effective solution to this problem. These small software programs can enhance the functionality of the Google Chrome web browser, enabling users to do everything from blocking distracting websites to organizing their to-do list.

ChatGPT, launched by OpenAI a few months back, has gathered immense popularity among tech lovers. The AI-Powered platform has made life easier for many users across the globe. Techies have come forward and developed many cool Google Chrome Extensions having ChatGPT as a base to boost digital productivity.

This blog post aims to discuss some of the most useful and best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions that can help users remain organized, focused, and productive. The extensions were selected based on their effectiveness and ease of use.

Whether you are a freelancer, student, or professional, the following extensions can assist you in managing your time and accomplishing tasks more efficiently. These extensions can help eliminate distractions, maintain focus, and achieve goals.

If you are looking for ways to improve your productivity and maximize your time, you have come to the right place. The following sections introduce some of the best ChatGPT Chrome extensions currently available.

List of the Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions

This is the list of the Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions.

ChatGPT for Google

Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - ChatGPT for Google

ChatGPT for Google enhances your search engine experience. On search engines, the extension offers ChatGPT response alongside the Search Engine results. ChatGPT for Google works with various search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, etc. The extension is free to use for all.

ChatGPT for Google is one of the best chrome extensions available on the Internet, as generally AI Tools like ChatGPT are limited to the single Google Chrome Tab, but it enables you to use it throughout the search engine. You only need to log in to OpenAI using the extension to get started.


Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - ChatGPTWeb

ChatGPT’s knowledge is limited to 2021. To keep your ChatGPT updated, you can utilize this amazing ChatGPT Chrome Extension called WebChatGPT. It is a free browser extension that enhances ChatGPT by providing access to relevant web search results.

WebChatGPT aims to improve the accuracy and timeliness of ChatGPT conversations by adding web search results to the prompts. It allows users to extract webpage text from any URL, get web results for queries, and add contextual information to conversations. Additionally, it provides a simple implementation that plugs into ChatGPT, making it very speedy.

WebChatGPT lets you use ChatGPT with all the updated details available on the Internet. That will help writers, bloggers, and marketers to get reliable details with real-time data available on the Internet. WebChatGPT is a totally free ChatGPT Chrome Extension that boosts your productivity by saving a lot of effort and time.


Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - TweetGPT

People have been using ChatGPT for various reasons. There is a bunch of users who use ChatGPT for creating Social Media Content for platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. For that users need to redirect to the ChatGPT to ask for the content, and then copy it from the ChatGPT to paste it to Twitter. tweetGPT is developed to eliminate all these hurdles.

The tweetGPT Chrome Extensions lets you use ChatGPT directly on Twitter. You can install the tweetGPT extension on your Google Chrome, and open Twitter on your Google Chrome Web Browser. You can see the Robot Icon while tweeting. Click on that icon, add the topic on which you want to tweet, and select the mood/tone of your tweet.

TweetGPT will create the perfect Tweet for you. You won’t have to do anything else. So, if you’re active on Twitter, and want to leverage the exceptional capabilities of ChatGPT, install TweetGPT – one of the best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions for Twitter users.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT

Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - ChatGPT YouTube Summary

As the name suggests, YouTube Summary with ChatGPT lets you get the summary of long YouTube Videos using the latest AI-Powered Tool ChatGPT. The tool lets you save a lot of time by offering a quick summary of long YouTubeb Videos. This tiny useful ChatGPT Chrome Extension is developed by Glasp.

Once the extension is installed on your Google Chrome, you can see the YouTube Summary with the ChatGPT icon while playing any YouTube Video. When you click on that icon, a YouTube Summary Box will open, that will provide YouTube Transcript.

From there, you can use the View AI Summary Feature. That feature opens the ChatGPT in a new tab. The extension pastes the entire video transcript and runs a command to provide a quick summary. In response, you will get the summary of the YouTube Video.

Voice Control for ChatGPT

Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - Voice Control for ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an exceptional tool, but it lacks some features. One of the main features that are missing in ChatGPT is Voice Input. The Voice Control for ChatGPT offers that missing feature for free. This cool ChatGPT Chrome Extension is available for Google Chrome web browser only.

You need to install the Voice Control for ChatGPT chrome extension from the Chrome Store. You will get the record button next to the chat box. Once you click on that button, and start speaking, ChatGPT will automatically transcribe it and type them into the search box. Just review that text, and click on the enter button to get the response from ChatGPT.

GPT-3 Meta Descriptions

Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - GPT 3 Meta Description

SEOs are one of the most active users of ChatGPT. They use the platform to find keywords, write the Search Engine Friendly content, Meta Descriptions, etc. GPT-3 Meta Descriptions is one of the best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions for SEOs. The platform lets you generate SEO Titles and Descriptions flawlessly. Once you install the extension, click on the new Generate Title or Generate Description button, and add your keywords. It will generate catchy and useful Meta Descriptions for you.


Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - Merlin

Merlin is one of the best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions that literally let you use ChatGPT for every website. You can use the ChatGPT features directly on Gmail, LinkedIn, Github, Youtube, etc. You can enjoy ChatGPT on 10 million+ websites on the Internet.

Merlin is available as a cloud-based service, and it works as a mobile app as well. Along with that, you can manage your Social Media Accounts using Merlin as well. That will let you automate your Social Media accounts using the capabilities of ChatGPT.

Merlin has limited free actions per day. You can perform up to 31 free actions on Merlin every day.


Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - ShareGPT

Have you ever thought if you can share those funny or informative ChatGPT conversations with your friends? With ShareGPT, you can exactly do the same. You need to install ShareGPT from the Chrome Store to share the ChatGPT transactions with your friends.

Once the extension is installed on your Google Chrome, you need to refresh the ChatGPT. After that, you can see the share button at the end of your all conversations on ChatGPT. You can send permanent links to your ChatGPT conversations with anyone using this one of the best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions.


Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - ReaderGPT

ReaderGPR is one of the most productive ChatGPT Chrome Extensions out there. This tiny tool is extremely helpful for Readers. It gives a summary of any web page with a single click. You can use this extension to get the summary of any web page in 50 words or a few bullet points flawlessly. Do try this productive ChatGPT Chrome Extension to boost your digital productivity.


Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions - DiGiTAL BiRYANi - ChatSonic

ChatSonic is an all-in-one ChatGPT. We can consider it as a ChatGPT with superpowers. It is a multi-functional ChatGPT Chrome Extensions that lets you write high-quality emails from Gmail, summarize long emails, and much other automation with emails.

Along with emails, the platform lets you boost your Social Media presence on platforms like LinkedIn, and Twitter by offering you an option to create high-quality content. It also lets you summarize Social Media posts to save you valuable time and effort.

You can use this platform to get ChatGPT Results alongside your Google Search. Along with that, you can limit the words to get a brief response from the ChatGPT.

Also Read How to integrate ChatGPT with WhatsApp?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are ChatGPT Chrome Extensions safe to use?

ChatGPT Chrome Extensions are generally safe to use, as long as you install them from a reputable source like Chrome Web Store, and exercise caution when granting them access to your browser data. It’s important to read the permissions carefully before installing any extension and to only install extensions from sources you trust. Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep your extensions up to date and to periodically review the permissions you’ve granted to ensure that they are still necessary.

Are ChatGPT Chrome Extensions free to use?

Many ChatGPT Chrome Extensions are free to use, but some may require a subscription or a one-time purchase. The cost of an extension will vary depending on its features and capabilities. Before installing an extension, make sure to read the pricing information carefully and decide if it is worth the cost for the productivity boost it provides.

Also Read How to use ChatGPT without Login?


These are the best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions that are extremely useful and save a good amount of time and effort. Try these Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions and share your valuable feedback with us to help us serve you better.

Yash Patel

Yash is the Digital Chef of this delicious DiGiTAL BiRYANi. His passion lies in technology and food. He is an Internet and Social Media enthusiast. He is a very active and productive internet user. He believes that Your Social Media Presence is as much important as Your Social Presence.

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