How To Read WhatsApp Messages Secretly Without Hiding Blue Ticks?

We use WhatsApp Everyday. In our daily communication, many times we want to read WhatsApp messages without sender knowing we've read them.

There's an official way from WhatsApp where we can hide Blue Ticks.

But What if we don't want to hide Blue Ticks? There are a few other proven methods as well..

Airplane Mode Trick

We can use phone's Airplane Mode to read WhatsApp Messages Secretly, even allows to read Group Messages Secretly. See detailed steps to know more.

WhatsApp Widget

Widget Options on Android Smartphones also enable you to read WhatsApp Messages Secretly without hiding blue ticks. See detailed Steps to enable it.

Notification Window

Notification Window is another place where you can read WhatsApp Messages Secretly. 

These are proven tricks to read WhatsApp Messgaes Secretly.