Scientists test to see if there are signs of life on Venus

Sulphur in the clouds of the Veenus - the second planet from the Sun - was thought to be able to support life and act as a potential food source.

But the unusual behaviour of the sulphur in Venus’ atmosphere - which suddenly disappears in the outer layers - cannot be explained by an ‘aerial’ form of extra-terrestrial life.

Any life form in sufficient abundance is expected to leave chemical fingerprints on a planet’s atmosphere as it consumes food and expels waste.

On Venus, there are high levels of SO2 lower in the clouds, but it somehow gets ‘sucked out’ of the atmosphere at higher altitudes, scientists said.

Researchers used a combination of atmospheric and biochemical models to study the chemical reactions expected to occur, given the known sources of chemical energy in Venus’s atmosphere.

Experts have said the best time to see the alignment on June 24 is 45 minutes before sunrise, where it should be visible on the eastern horizon.

Scientists ran the model found that the reactions can result in a drop in SO2 levels, but only by producing other molecules in very large amounts that are not seen.

Thus, Scientists have been unable to find any signs of life on Venus despite claims the planet's dense atmosphere could house living organisms.


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