NASA is assembling a team to gather data on unidentifiable events in the sky

NASA is putting a team together to study unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP)), popularly known as UFOs, the U.S. space agency said.

The team will gather data on "events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena-from a scientific perspective"

They're interested in UAPs from a security and safety perspective. There was no evidence UAPs are extraterrestrial in origin,

NASA said the limited number of observations of UAPs made it difficult to draw scientific conclusions about the nature of such events.

The study will have researchers identify what UAP data already exists, determine how best to collect UAP data moving forward, and develop methods to study the nature of UAPs

The study will begin this fall and last nine months, costing no more than $100,000. It will be entirely open, with no classified military data used.

The team will be led by astrophysicist David Spergel, president of the Simons Foundation for advancing scientific research.

The agency has also formed a team of engineers to look into ways to mitigate effects of hits this scale in the future.

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