Grit will be the first NFT game to launch on Epic Games Store

The NFT gaming bubble ballooned just a tiny bit further today when developer Gala Games announced that its free NFT-enabled battle royale game, Grit, will launch on the Epic Games Store.

This would make it the first NFT game to debut on Epic's platform.

It’s not clear when the game will go live

This will be First NFT game integration between Web2 & Web3

Web3 (i.e. blockchain-enabled) games continue to attract huge amounts of funding from investors, the general video game playerbase has yet to be convinced of the "play-to-earn" model. 

There surely is some sort of future for blockchain games, it’s unlikely they will ever reach the heights that their proponents envision for them

NFT games will probably have an arc similar to that of the early days of VR headsets — pushed by ecstatic enthusiasts, but the average player will remain unconvinced.


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