Amazon to stop selling this after Cyrus Mistry's Death

The leading Indian businessman Cyrus Mistry was killed in a road accident last week.

Image Credit - Business India

The death could have been avoided if the biz tycoon have worn proper Seat Belt.

Image Credit - Viral Hog

After this incident, Government of India asked Amazon and other e-commerce websites to stop selling Seat Belt Alarm Blockers.

Image Credit - Auto Blog

These Seat Belt Alarm Blockers are designed to stop Seat Belt Alarms without wearing them

Image Credit - Cartoon Network

Along with this, Government has also changed seat belt regrading laws in India

Image Credit - MarieClaire

Rear Passengers not wearing Seat Belts in India will now be a punishable law in India.

Image Credit TOI

The annual report of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (21-22) ranked India first in road deaths across 199 countries reported in the World Road Statistics, 2018.

Image Credit DARK

Additionally, a World Bank report also stated that India records a death toll due on roads every four minutes.

Image Credit H Business Insider


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