Fortnite: Dislodge or destroy Runaway Boulders with a melee weapon

Fortnite’s latest challenge needs players to either dislodge or destroy runaway boulders with a new melee weapon.

Players are required to destroy or dislodge runway bounders by destroying their base.

In order to complete this challenge successfully, players need to do this task for 3 times.

First thing you need to do is to locate runway bounders, as their spawn are not fixed, it is quite challenging to locate them

Generally, these bounders are situated on the cliff, so it might be the best place to search them.

Rave Caves, Reality Falls, Coney Crossroads, Logjam Lumberyard are a few places where you can find these bounders.

Once located, players need to use Melee Weapons (type of ammo-less weapon) to destroy or dislodge their base.


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