Amazon’s Prime Air drone delivery service is taking flight in California

Amazon has been at work on bringing 30-minute drone deliveries to fruition since 2013.

Former CEO Jeff Bezos hoped the service would launch in 2015, but it didn’t. Now the ecommerce giant says its Prime Air service is almost ready.

Amazon customers in Lockeford, California will begin seeing Prime Air deliveries later this year.

Amazon offered some reasoning for why Prime Air has taken so long to deploy (aside from multiple drone crashes)

Amazon has spent about a decade working on a drone service with an “industry-leading” navigation system.

Amazon has to earn Part 135 certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) before it can begin launching its drones.

If all goes well, it should interesting to see a fleet of drones delivering packages to Amazon customers in California.  First there, and then…the world?

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