Air India to use ChatGPT for Enhanced Operations

Many large organizations  gloablly are planning to use OpenAI's ChatGPT to enhance their operations.

The Tata backed Air India has also joined the list with the recent statement fron the CEO.

At the CAPA India Aviation Summit, Air India CEO said that company is deploying ChatGPT-4 the latest version of ChatGPT.

The latest AI-enabled ChatGPT-4 will enhance the user experience of Air India customers.

Even the large scale organization like Morgan Stanley is also using ChahtGPT for better user experience.

ChatGPT has recently launched the plans for premium ChatGPT plus for Indian subcontinent.

Earlier, Air India has collaborated with Salesforcec to bring the customer-centric digital revolution.

Earlier, General Motors planned to use ChatGPT in their cars.

It will be interesting to see AI in Auto and Aviation industry.


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